Monday, December 7, 2009

Hell no to Furloughs!

This article is about a protest that took place on the Cal State Fullerton campus back in July. Students were outraged as to the tuition increase that occurred just one month before the semester began, as well as faculty who were then notified about furlough days. Take a look at the video as well.

Why was it that the gym remained open while the library was closed at night?

Cal State Students Protest Budget Cuts

Students are coming out in waves to protest the proposed school budget cuts. Gov. Schwarzenegger's office has been inundated with angry students who want answers as to why they have to pay more for less. There is a $584 million deficit that the state can't make up for in time for the next school year.

Here's a link:
Cal State Students Protest Budget Cuts

And another link:
When They Cut, We All Bleed

Student Opinions on Tuition Cost

Many students in the Cal State and UC colleges have encountered major tuition increases and it has effected their lives, education, and possible future careers.This is a picture of students protesting at Berkeley because of the tuition increases to 32%. To read more about the effects and the protest at these schools click on the link below.

Tuition Protest across California Colleges

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The "Plan" to manage a $584 million budget deficit to the CSU:

Take a look at this letter to the Titan Family, from President Milton A. Gordon. The CSU Board of Trustees finalized a plan to manage a $584 million budget deficit to the CSU that includes furloughs for employees, a fee increase for students, and enrollment reductions for the next two years. In order to serve as many CSU students as possible and preserve as many jobs as possible, they have approved a four-pronged plan that includes:
  • A fee increase of $672 for full-time undergraduate students & $828 for graduate students in fall 2009.(Which all of us have already experienced, and by the way, why was it that these fees were'nt added until students' tuitions were already paid? Which stressed many students out with having to pay these unexpected last minute fees so that classes wouldn't be dropped.)
  • A $990 tuition increase for full-time non-resident students.
  • $4,827 per year for CSU undergraduate students (which includes an average campus fee of $801).
  • Reduced enrollment by 40,000 students over the next two years and closed enrollment for winter and spring 2010 in attempt to enroll only as many students for which the state provides funding.
  • To increase space for new students, changes to state regulations that will preclude students from enrolling in courses once they have met all the necessary degree requirements.
  • Management and non-represented employees to be furloughed two days per month beginning August 1, 2009 (furlough all 47,000 of its employees except public safety personnel to reduce spending by $275 million and to preserve jobs.)
  • An additional cut of $183 million from 2009-10 budgets, including a salary and hiring freeze and travel and purchasing restrictions.

What does this mean for CSUF?


  • CSUF undergraduate student fees will increase from $3,658 (2008-09) per year to $4,662 (2009-10) per year, and there will be comparable fee increases for graduate, credential and non-resident students. One third of the fee increase will be set aside for student, need based scholarships.
  • Reduced admissions for fall 2009, expecting 1,200 fewer college-eligible community college transfers and first-time freshmen will enroll this fall. (How does this affect you?)
  • Cut summer school enrollment for 2009 by 38%, from 10,500 (Summer 2008) to 6,500 (Summer 2009). (Did this affect any of you?)
  • Closed spring 2010 undergraduate admission, for an additional reduction of approximately 2,000 students in spring 2010 enrollment.

"Despite the challenges we face, I am confident that the Cal State Fullerton university community will pull together to continue providing a quality education to the students we serve and to support the regional economy with graduates that are ready to be productive members of the workforce."
- Milton A. Gordon

I strongly disagree that holding enrollment, eliminating courses, reducing faculty, adding furlough days, & increasing tuition will provide students with a quality education or assist us with a timely graduation.

We want to hear your opinions! Let us know how these budget deficits have affected you.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tuition Increase has affected everyone!!!

Well, who hasn't been effected by the tuition increases? I know all Cal State and University colleges have been affected and is changing everyones lives with these major increases to school. I know when I first started college after high school I had many offers to 8 different schools, but thought it would be cheaper and faster to finish school if I went to a junior college first then transfered to a University. Man I was wrong about that decision, because not only has the amount of tuition gone up the transfer from a junior college hasn't made anything easier. So with this economy crisis I couldn't get a loan big enough to live close enough to campus so am living 2 hours away and have to commute 4 days a week, and with the little money I did get still isn't enough with all the money I spend in gas each week. It makes me have to work extra and doing massive amounts of hw and projects is a great amount of work each week, which has put a toll not only on myself, but on every student going to college.

Monday, November 30, 2009

The Effects of Budget Cuts at YOUR College

The budget cut effects are taking toll all over California, especially in the Cal State and UC school systems. We are students at Cal State Fullerton who are frustrated with the amount of money we have to pay each semester to better our education and career goals. These increases to tuition and amount of days has put stress on student finances and the amount of education we recieve each semester.